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8 Efficient Ways to Use Live Chat for Lead Generation [Guide]

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Written by: Jelisaveta Sapardic

Struggling to convert website visitors into qualified leads?

Live chat for lead generation allows you to instantly answer queries, provide personalized recommendations, and collect valuable contact info, so you can engage potential customers on your site.

Ready to turn your website into a lead-generating machine?

In this article, we will explore eight effective lead-generation strategies to help you leverage live chat and turn casual browsers into loyal clients.

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Let’s jump right into the list of strategies.

1. Use proactive live chat

Instead of waiting for visitors to ask questions, contact them proactively. Using behavioral data, your live chat software can identify when a visitor might need assistance—such as after spending a certain amount of time on a page or revisiting your site.

Friendly chat invitations can encourage customer engagement, making visitors more likely to convert. In fact, a survey suggests that 89% of consumers find proactive customer service to improve their experience.

Proactive chat workflows can help capture interest at critical moments, ensuring that potential hot leads don’t slip away unnoticed. Your team can address questions and concerns in real time, potentially resolving issues before they inhibit the visitor’s decision-making process.

This timely intervention not only boosts the visitor’s confidence in your service but also highlights your commitment to quality customer support.

2. Leverage chatbots for initial engagement

According to vpnAlert, 20% of professionals using chatbots get more qualified leads than before, while another 19% experience a boost in brand loyalty. So, it’s evident that intelligent virtual assistants can be great allies in capturing leads. 

Lead generation bots can ask qualifying questions, gather essential information, and route visitors to the appropriate sales or support staff based on their needs. That’s why you should integrate these automations to handle initial interactions and qualify leads before passing the visitor to a human agent. 

On top of that, AI chatbots operate 24/7, ensuring that potential leads are engaged right away, regardless of when they visit your site. This seamless transition from chatbot to human agent reduces response times and helps to maintain a high level of engagement and professionalism.

Read more: Find out how Tidio’s customer support team managed to automate 58% of chat conversations using the Lyro AI chatbot.

3. Use personalized greetings and offers

Did you know that as many as 52% of customers always expect to receive personalized offers?

Make sure to take advantage of this by tailoring your chat greetings and offers based on visitor behavior and demographics. For instance, if a visitor is browsing products in a specific category, send them a welcome message with relevant product information or a special discount. 

Personalized messages and notifications make visitors feel valued and understood, increasing the likelihood of lead conversion. The key is to use your data to craft messages that resonate with the potential customers and call for an interaction.

4. Add canned responses

Efficiency is crucial in live chat, and canned responses can easily help you achieve it in client communication. You can prepare a set of prewritten replies for common questions about your products, services, shipping policies, or any other frequently asked topics.

This ensures that your responses are quick and consistent, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction and trust. Also, you can add a lead-gen type of canned response, asking a visitor to share their email address to keep in touch.

While these pre-written replies save time, they should still feel natural, so personalize them when necessary to align with the specific needs of each visitor. Also, be sure to always follow up with relevant information or offers based on the visitor’s inquiries.

Read more: Find out how to use Tidio canned responses and answer your customers more efficiently.

5. Create chat surveys

Incorporate chat surveys to gather customer feedback and contact info from visitors. These post-chat surveys can include questions about user experience, client preferences, and visitor’s contact details for future follow-ups. 

Use the data to refine your lead generation strategies and create tailor-made engagement opportunities. You can also gather information from your target audience to calculate the customer satisfaction rate and other metrics and improve the marketing strategy. And keep in mind that you can leverage both post- and pre-chat surveys for this strategy.

Additionally, you should offer a small incentive, like a discount coupon for completing the survey, which can increase participation rates and provide valuable lead information.

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6. Set up reactive messages

Set up automated live chat triggers to send messages based on specific visitor actions or behaviors. Within the live chat, visitor behavior and activity are classified according to specific criteria. These can include clicked buttons, viewed pages, and time spent on certain pages. 

Once the specific criteria are met, a visitor will receive an appropriate trigger-based message. For example, if a visitor spends more than a few minutes on a pricing page, a chat window could pop up with an offer to answer any questions they may have about your pricing plans. 

These targeted interactions can significantly enhance lead generation and even increase conversion rates by addressing potential concerns immediately. This also makes it easier to convert interest into action.

Read more: Check out the best chat widgets you can use for your site.

7. Use CRM integration

Another great way to capture new leads is to integrate your live chat system with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. By doing so, you can automatically capture chat interactions and visitor details directly into your CRM system, ensuring that no lead slips through the cracks.

And with a complete view of each prospect’s customer journey, your sales team can follow up more effectively. It also helps the team with the sales process and ensures they can personalize their approach based on the insights gained during live chat sessions.

Some of the best systems in this category include:

  • HubSpot CRM
  • Zoho CRM
  • Salesforce CRM
  • Agile CRM

Just make sure that your live chat platform is compatible with the CRM system of your choice in order for everything to function properly.

Read more: Check out the best website visitor tracking tools on the market.

8. Offer valuable content

Use live chat to offer valuable content like ebooks, whitepapers, or webinars in exchange for contact info. Engage visitors with resources tailored to their interests, positioning your brand as an industry authority while collecting essential details for lead nurturing.

These content offers incentivize visitors to share their information, giving you more chances to convert them into loyal customers. Utilize these strategies to maximize live chat’s potential as a lead capture tool, driving engagement and conversions like never before.

And there you have it! With these strategies, you can fully utilize live chat’s potential as a powerful lead capture tool, driving engagement and conversions like never before.

Live chat for lead generation: key takeaway

Live chat is more than just support—it’s a powerful tool for boosting customer experience, engagement, and conversions in realtime. With the right strategies, you can transform casual visitors into loyal customers.

These strategies include:

  • Using proactive live chat
  • Leveraging chatbots within chat widget
  • Setting up personalized messages
  • Using canned responses
  • Adding chat surveys to collect feedback
  • Setting up reactive live chat triggers
  • Using CRM integration
  • Offering valuable content in exchange for contact info

We suggest trying out Tidio, our live chat tool, which has features that will help you capture quality leads for your business. These include canned responses and chatbots, pre-made live chat triggers, and customer engagement surveys. 

Take Tidio for a spin today and start setting your business apart from competitors!

Generate quality leads with Tidio live chat

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Jelisaveta Sapardic
Jelisaveta Sapardic

Tidio’s Content Writer with a passion for languages. As an avid learner interested in all things tech, Jelisaveta always strives to share her knowledge with others and help people and businesses reach their goals.